Supplements for Cats
In the same way that you may take a daily multivitamin, your cat may benefit from a supplement as well. In general, a good quality cat food should cover the spectrum of vitamins and minerals that a healthy cat needs but if your cat has additional requirements then Wormers can offer you a high-quality supplement to assist with any specific health conditions. Liver disease is not uncommon in cats, and if your cat has an impaired liver function, they may benefit from a supplement to support the liver, the same is true of the kidneys. Joint pain is another common complaint and can be soothed with a supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Cats with digestive issues may benefit from probiotics and other supplements to support digestive function. If your cat has urinary tract issues, commonly displaying symptoms of cystitis then a supplement to improve the health of a urinary tract may be beneficial. Whatever your cats need, we can help.
- Hepatosyl Plus 100mg - 90 Capsules£75.25
Hepatosyl Plus 100mg is an oral supplement for the support of liver function in dogs.
- Hepatosyl Plus 50mg - 60 Capsules£29.50
Hepatosyl Plus 50mg is an oral supplement for the support of liver function in dogs.
- Hepatosyl Plus 100mg - 30 Capsules£30.19
Hepatosyl Plus 100mg is an oral supplement for the support of liver function in dogs.
- Omevio Supplement for Cats & Dogs£27.38
An affordable food supplement for dogs and cats, containign Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids. Convenient, easy to dose and administer.
- Samylin Sachets for Cats & Small Dogs£40.99
A complementary feed supplement to increase and provide the antioxidants used by the liver for detoxification. Ideal for use in cats & dogs suffering from liver disease.
- Protexin Denamarin for Cats & Small Dogs£28.98
Denamarin provides multi-faceted support for the liver due to its synergistic combination of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and silybin.
- Ipakitine Powder - 60g£11.98
A feed supplement to encourage renal function in cases of chronic renal insufficiency in cats & dogs.
- Ipakitine Powder - 180g£27.98
A feed supplement to encourage renal function in cases of chronic renal insufficiency in cats & dogs.
- Cystaid Capsules for Cats£61.49
Cystaid for Cats is a nutritional supplement to help maintain healthy bladder function.
- Feliway Cystease for Cats - 30 Capsules£9.85
Feliway Cystease is a nutritional supplement to support cats with idiopathic cystitis or lower urinary tract infections.